Why Lemonade?

Welcome to my blog.

 I pondered on what to call this blog and came up with the title Lindy’s Lemonade.  I’ve reached a “certain age” where one begins to look back and take stock of the life that one has led.  Upon reflection at the (hopefully) halfway mark of my life I’ve discovered that the lemons that were thrown at me, even the ones that I purposely picked up (and actually paid for), have for the most part been squeezed (and in some cases pulverized) into a nectar (sometimes not so sweet) that was and is useful in the life journey that I call my own.

I love to write.  It is when I write that I find that I can slow down enough to think and take time to mull over thoughts and issues that I have.  For a long time now I have been considering learning how to write a blog so here I am.  Please join me as I embark on this new journey.  One that excites me to share with you.

14 thoughts on “Why Lemonade?

  1. You know I am smiling right now, you are so amazing and I will so enjoy this journey with you. You know you are one of my greatest blessings!!!


  2. Good Morning Lindy …Awesome start to the new world of blogging… I will definitely be looking for the next post !!!! Have a great day


    • Thanks for your comments Angela. I am kind of excited to be doing this. I still have a lot to learn but I have bitten the bullet so to speak and actually hit the scary “post” button. For some reason this is “scarier” than posting on Facebook. 🙂


Feel free to let me know what you're thinking. :)